Wednesday, December 25, 2013

25 DVDs of Christmas - Day 25. It's a Wonderful Life

Like most of the world I've been aware of this movie for as long as I can remember but I actually never saw it until a few years ago when I was 22.

The background to my viewing of this is crucial to everything that happened to me during my viewing experience. It was the week before Christmas, it came in the netflix, it was my first Christmas NOT living at home and my grandfather had died a few years earlier and vocally spoke his love of the movie in the past.

By the end of the movie I was crying my eyes out (thankfully late enough that non of my roommates saw). It's become part of my Christmas Tradition to watch this movie every year and without fail… I end up crying. It's that ending. It reminds me of every good hearted person in my life and the importance of friends and family. It is undeniably the most beautiful ending to any film (christmas or otherwise).

Yet I am the only person in my immediate family who has seen it from start to finish before. Weird.

Merry Christmas readers.

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