Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Memories (the 25 Songs of Christmas Part 24)

I decided before I post my song #24, I'd like to reflect on a few of my favorite christmas memories. I hope that you enjoy these memories and post some of your own.

1) I had a vhs tape my aunt made where she taped different christmas specials for me. The tape contained specifically The Claymation Christmas (which contained the California Raisins version of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer), Pee-Wee's Christmas Special, Garfield's Christmas Special and the Muppet Family Christmas. I've watched this video every year (and even when it wasn't christmas time). I still need to watch these 4 specials every year; and every year... I cry. It's not christmas until I've listened to the muppets sing their christmas carol medley.

2) One year my mom signed up for this weird deal with Victoria Secrets. They were selling christmas albums and needed someone to put all the CDs together. They'd send a spool of CDs, empty jewel-cases and the front and back artwork. We'd put them together and box them up and send them to various stores. We'd spend most of my the night sitting watching christmas specials and putting these CDs together. I'm aware this sounds like we had a little sweat-shop going and in later years I'd discover that my mom didn't get paid nearly what she was promised; but I wouldn't trade the time we spent working as a family for anything.

3) The year that my grandfather died was a really rough one. I spent many nights online sulking. I was a very emo kid (some of my close friends just collectively went "WAS?!?"... fuck you guys). One of the people I complained to was a girl in my class, Stefanie. One christmas Eve while driving home I saw a car driving away from my house; I didn't know what it was or who the car belonged to at the time; but when I reached the top of the stairs I found a christmas bag with an inspirational card from Stefanie. I don't remember what the card said any longer, but I know that I have it somewhere. What was written didn't matter anyway; it was the thought that counted. It has and will always be the most touching christmas gift i ever received.

4) The Second most important gift I ever received was two years ago from my friend Sean. He bought me a book called "Jim Henson's Doodle Dreams: Inspiration for Living Life Outside the Lines". I loved the book, but it wasn't until recently the gift really made it's impact. I sat awake at night worrying about my move in July; when I saw the book on the shelf. Again, I don't remember the specific quotes; but I do know that it soothed me and I slept well at night.

5) My final memory is from my Freshmen year of High school. The TV studio had a holiday coffee-shop with christmas lights and an open mic. It was a total blast. At that show my friends Mike, Ant and Brian's band Franklin's Submarine performed a set, including the worst cover of "Christmas Day" by MxPx I've ever heard... at the time I'm sure I loved it. So here it is; Song #24 Christmas Day... by MxPx

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